Werribee Volkswagen

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Werribee Volkswagen. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, car repair and car dealer. You can find Werribee Volkswagen at 8-12 Heaths Road, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029.


Postal address:
8-12 Heaths Road, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029
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Phone number:
+61 1300 087 001

Official website:

Establishment   Car repair   Car dealer  

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Werribee Volkswagen

  • Casey Draper
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Just thought I'd post about my experience with Werribee Volkswagen from the past week! I initially came in not looking to buy just yet but i saw something that caught my eye! Daniel was so lovely with telling me how everything worked since I had never traded in a vehicle before or bought from a dealership! And before I knew it Shane had given me an amazing price as well as other extra things to sweeten the deal and I was in the finance office with Stuart approved for a loan! I picked up my car today and I'm extremely happy with how everything turned out! Thanks to all the lovely people I met there during the week and extra special thanks to Daniel for all your help and always laughing at my jokes!
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About werribeevolkswagen.com.au

Gateway Volkswagen - Volkswagen Dealer Werribee VIC
Gateway Volkswagen is located in Werribee, VIC. We sell and service new VW and quality used vehicles. Make an enquiry online now.

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Weather today in Hoppers Crossing

15.02.2025 13:00 17
15.02.2025 16:00 16
15.02.2025 19:00 15
15.02.2025 22:00 13
16.02.2025 01:00 13
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16.02.2025 07:00 13
16.02.2025 10:00 15
16.02.2025 13:00 16
16.02.2025 16:00 17
16.02.2025 19:00 15
16.02.2025 22:00 16
17.02.2025 01:00 15
17.02.2025 04:00 15
17.02.2025 07:00 14
17.02.2025 10:00 17
17.02.2025 13:00 18
17.02.2025 16:00 19
17.02.2025 19:00 17
17.02.2025 22:00 16